County Government and Officials
Our Board of County Commissioners, allows the Paulding County Government provide services to Paulding County towns and residents. This site links you to the county’s programs, services, and departments.
Our Elected Officials work together for the county of Paulding Co. This includes a county auditor, clerk of courts, commissioners, common pleas, engineer, municipal judge, probate/juvenile, prosecutor, recorder, sheriff, and treasurer.
Paulding County Website
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday & Legal Holidays
Commissioners’ Regular Sessions
Regular Sessions are held every Monday and Wednesday

Public Notices/Press Release:
PC Commissioners Public Meeting 6-21-2023
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Paulding County Commissioners will be hosting a public meeting in the EOC Conference Room located at 451 McDonald Pike, Paulding, OH 45879 on June 21, 2023 @ 4:30 p.m. This meeting is in regards to discussion on solar projects at various...

451 McDonald Pike Suite E,
Paulding, OH 45879
(419) 399-8215 (office number)
(419) 399-8299 (fax)